Friday, December 12, 2008

My Leaky Bucket List - Or Ten Things I'd Like To Do Before I Die.

1. Spend a week at the Louvre. This is absolutely number one on my list. The thought of seeing the world’s most beautiful pieces of art in the flesh is enough to make me want to cash in my life savings and fly, float or submarine across the pond.

2. Hike a portion of the Appalachian Trail with my son. Not the whole trail mind you, but a sixty mile section through the mountains of Virginia or Tennessee. I’d also like to see a bear in the woods while trekking through the wild (and not embarrass myself in front of my son by freaking out or shitting my pants).

3. Find my ninth grade high school english teacher, Mrs. Gallis, and thank her for helping me to appreciate the beauty of Shakespeare and Dickinson.

4. Walk my daughter down the aisle at her wedding without bawling like a baby or tripping over her long white gown (preferably in about twenty years).

5. Find out in all certainty whether god is an illusion or fact. It would be nice to know this before I take the great leap into nothingness or eternal regret. If he/she does exist and doesn’t have a sense of humor, I’m totally screwed.

6. Spend the golden years with my lovely wife on a sandy beach, reminiscing about how rich & rewarding our lives have been. And would it be too much to ask to not be hooked up to an oxygen machine or popping Viagra pills like they were red jelly beans?

7. Take my family to Egypt to see the Pyramids of Gaza (while not getting snuffed by some Muslim extremist who is still pissed off at Bush & Rumsfeld ten years from now).

8. Write the great American novel (or at least the first page).

9. Quit bitching about saving the environment & actually practice what I preach. A good start would be not throwing candy bar wrappers out my car window as I'm driving by some loser's house who still has a "McCain/Palin" campaign sign in their front yard, or start recycling the 100,000 Diet Dr. Pepper bottles I’ve drained over the years.

10. See the beauty of the African Savannah before it’s gone or imprisoned forever in America's zoos.


Anonymous said...

Try the Appalachian Trail in Maine if you want to see bears. I've seen 15-20 while hiking from Baxter State Park south.

Tim Koppenhaver said...

Maine surely would have more bears, but I've encountered them a few times in VA on my AT hikes. Don't have to fret about being mauled either. They're small and like to run and hide when they hear you tripping over the ever-present ankle-twisting rocks on the trail in Virginia.