Thursday, December 25, 2008

For the Joy of it all

It’s 11:30 p.m. on Christmas day. Topped by a leaning angel, the fake pine tree appears relieved that it has survived another holiday without finding itself in the bottom of a dumpster. Multi-colored pieces of wrapping paper litter the carpet, interspersed with a box of Life Savers, baseball cards, Mike & Ikes, and two very exhausted cats. Our dog, Macy, is snoring rather loudly at the top of the basement steps. Her belly is full of ham scraps, half an iced cookie, and something she dug out of the trash that looks like a human liver. Due to her age and bad kidneys, this may be her last Christmas with us, but tonight she is at peace.

Our children are tucked in their beds, soft smiles tracing lips coated with cookie crumbs and chocolate. Today we were the parents they secretly wish they could have every day of the year. We played, we laughed, we paid attention to what they had to say without glancing at our watches or taking half a dozen phone calls from the office. They returned our love in spades. Unsolicited hugs and softly whispered declarations of affection filled our ears and warmed our hearts. For twenty-four hours, they had mom and dad all to themselves.

As the clock ticks closer to December 26th, my wife has taken leave to the bedroom, her heart and mind resting easy that she has made this a beautiful holiday once again for all of us. Because of her, this was the only day out of a hectic year that even faintly looked like a modern-day version of a Norman Rockwell painting. The long hours of juggling work, house-cleaning, cooking and gift shopping, have all been worth it. I hope tonight she dreams of hugs and kisses, joyful peals of laughter, and the knowledge that she is the thread that binds our hearts and makes us whole.

We have survived another year. All is well in our world, if only for today.

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