Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanks for running a terrible campaign, Jill.

What can you say about the failed candidacy of Jill Long Thompson? Pathetic, inept and underfunded are all terms that come to mind when you look at the beating she took on November 4th. In an incredible year that saw Indiana go blue in the presidential sweepstakes for the first time in four decades, Long Thompson somehow managed to run a campaign against incumbent governor Mitch Daniels that bordered on the absurd. In other words... she lost by almost 500,000 votes. When you don't run any advertising for five weeks leading up to the election... you should have never tossed your hat in the ring in the first place.

With union support and several major PACs (Emily's List, The United Steelworkers, United Transportation Union, Service Employees International Union, Communication Workers of America, and the Local #446 of Association of Federal, State, County and Municipal Employees) backing her run, Long Thompson failed miserably to ignite enthusiasm amongst Indiana voters. Note to future Democratic candidates for governor... If you can't raise the finances or figure out a way to connect with voters (especially in terrible economic times & against an incumbent that sells state assets like an auctioneer at a fire sale)... Don't run for office!

Hopefully, Jill will recline in her rocking chair and relish the short time she spent representing Indiana's Fourth Congressional District from 1988 to 1994. She needs to accept the fact that she is never going to win another election in her lackluster, political career.
Posted by Jeff at 10:12 PM

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