Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lieberman Holds His Chairmanship in a Landslide.

How on earth does the current Democratic Senate Majority allow Joe Lieberman to retain his chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee? I understand the glorious possibilities of a filibuster-proof senate majority, but the odds of Franken and Martin winning their respective senate seats seems unlikely, especially in the case of Martin defeating Chambliss in the upcoming runoff in Georgia. The Democratic Gentleman's Club played 'soft' politics with their compatriot and missed a golden opportunity to punish the turncoat.

Senator Lieberman did everything in his diminished power to lead John McCain to the White House. He even campaigned for several Republican Senate Candidates and introduced Sarah Palin (the Wasilla Imbecile) at numerous campaign events. This guy is everything that is wrong with politics today. He has no soul and would sell his constituency to the devil just to be relevant in a time of great political change.

This was the perfect time for a long-awaited payback, and the Senate Democrats once again proved that they don't know how to bench a third-string running back that constantly fakes left but goes right. It's a shame that the good people of Connecticut are going to have to wait four more years to toss out New England's latest incarnation of Benedict Arnold...

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