Sunday, November 16, 2008

Farewell to the King

Farewell, President Jughead... For the first time in eight years, I'm excited about the future of our country. President-Elect Obama is the real deal and is going to get this country back on track both domestically and internationally. His performance in the Presidential Debates was nothing short of breathtaking. He ran a smart, disciplined campaign that focused on uniting the country, while his opponent(s) tried every negative political trick in the book to divide and conquer the electorate with hatred and mistrust.

President-Elect Obama is an extraordinarily intelligent man, and we as Americans deserve to have an intellectual in the White House after eight years of faith-based, CliffsNotes' policy-making. I hope it sends a message to the right wing of the Republican Party that the days of running an aging dullard, with his hand on a bible, and a legacied degree from an ivy league university or military academy... just isn't going to cut it any more. Underachievers like President Bush should never again aspire to highest office in the land. I can't help but wonder how small the Bush 43 Presidential Library will be when it's completed. Maybe a single magazine rack at the local Crawford, Texas, 7-11? I believe that when history is through with President Bush, he's going to finish six strides behind Fillmore, Hoover, and Nixon in the Presidential Breeder's Cup.

I'm cautiously optimistic that Barak Obama and our Democratic Congress is finally going to put an end to the Iraq War, the gutting of environmental laws, the extreme right shift in federal judicial apointments, and the lax, trickle-down fairy tale of Reagan Economics. In other words, the sun is shining just a little bit brighter in America today...

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1 comment:

Beth said...

You're a Democrat, Jeff? Well I had NO idea. You're usually so quiet about politics.

It was indeed a great day to wake up on November 5th and find myself in a BLUE state for the first time in my lifetime. Yay.